Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 11, 2014

Richie finally gave up his soul for Santanico. He was dead for Santanico and now officially a vampire, just like Santanico.

After awakening, Richie begin to enjoy being a vampire. Santanico touches him and say and it's only the beginning.

Seth saw his brother alive and opening door for Santanico.

He said oh, son of a bitch. I'm going to get my brother. Seth seems to be calling all sorts of names whenever relating to Santanico. Is he calling her a bitch for turning his brother, or because he’s jealous that Richie finally gets to be with Santanico? He said he’s going to get Richie, but he frantically looks for Santanico when he gets into the van. Why?

Seth is confused after getting out of the RV. Santanico walks straight to him like a model saying no more tricks, Seth Gecko, but There will be games. Richie tells Seth to put down that gun he is aiming at Santanico. This is the first time Seth is having real conversation with Santanico. Its a mind blowing moment for him.

Santanico explains they’re in a labyrinth – a maze of the mind, put in place by the Lords of the Night, guarded by games and puzzles. And the only way to reach the center is to win.

Seth asked what's the prize?

Santanico looks at him confidently and said Me. He said no thanks. But Santanico knows she is a super grand prize.

Well, what if I say no?

Santanico :You can't say no.

Richie moves his body forward to block Seth's gun just in case he fires at Santanico. He did that once.

Seth: Okay, so, let me get this straight. I get through this labyrinth and then I get to you.

Santanico said no, not to me. To my blood. What? It's inside something you would understand to be a vault.

Richie: A sarcophagus. When we get it, she'll be replenished.

Seth: And then what? You're cured?

Seth is confused. Is this a challenge for him to get Santanico, to get her free, to get her cure or to get her.

Santanico : The hunger cannot be cured. But I will be free.

Santanico is rather pissed at the way he talked about her. His brother lose his life to free this woman and he talks like that.

Seth: I don't know. Labyrinth, trials. This whole thing seems like a long way to go. To keep a showgirl in a cage.

Santanico is pissed again in the way he talked about her. A showgirl in a cage. But that is true. All these mechanism are put in placed by the lord just to lock her up. Imagine how priceless she is to the lords.

Santanico: In five centuries It's never been done.

Seth agrees.

Santanico : I can't go with you. The lords would know that I was there. And they don't like cheating.

Seth: No self-respecting god does Look at the way Seth check Santanico out.

So basically, a Santanico’s prison has been created 500 years ago in the form of a labyrinth – a maze of the mind, put in place by the Lords of the Night, guarded by games and puzzles. And the only way to reach the center is to win. Once they reached the center, they can claim the prize, which is Santanico’s blood. When the blood is brought back to Santanico, she will get her freemdom. So, Santanico is right. The ultimate prize is Santanico!

In addition to freeing Santanico, getting the centre of the Labyrinth also means proving themselves worthy to the Lords of the Night. It means worthy to save Santanico! Those test, put there by the lords of the night. Whoever has the purity of mind to withstand the trials. Will be deemed worthy for Santanico.

So does Seth really has a choice? What is Seth’s motivation for taking the trial. To save Santanico or his brother?. Richie is already dead. There is no returning. Richie sold his soul to Santanico and will save her with or without Seth. Santanico does not need Seth, she has already got Richie. So, is Seth going to the trial to save just himself or for Santanico? I think he did it partly for Santanico. Just look at the words he used against her and the way he look at her. It has been five centuries, and nobody has done it. Richie is doing it, he better do it. Its an opportunity to do something for Santanico, or at least his brother’s girlfriend.

While Richie and Seth are in the labyrinth fighting for Santanico’s blood, something unexpected happen. Carlos look for Narciso at the prison which Santanico kept him alive for insider information. Now he wants to team up with Narciso he said have you already forgotten the Popol Vuh? If the hero brothers beat the Gods at their own game, if they free Santanico, all of us will pay the price. What does it mean? Does Narciso wants to free Santanico? Why is a freed Santanico such a huge problem to all of them. There can only be one reason. Santanico is extremely precious to the lord.

Santanico: Richard thinks I'm in love with him. He would go to the end of the world for me.

Carlos: Who wouldn't? I did.

Santanico gives him a "good boy" response.

Carlos says he had a little trouble securing the money. Santanico said that's unacceptable.

Carlos seems to indicate that the money could have been taken by the Gecko borthers instructed by her.

The dangerous snake seems to be getting aggressive.

Santanico looks down at the snake.

Carlos said when the geckos emerge from the labyrinth, We'll find out exactly where everyone stands. Something is wrong with Carlos. He never speaks to Santanico like this. He bootlicks Santanico. He is supposed to be Santanico's right hand man. He is supposed to do everything Santanico desires, that is to be free. What is happening to this man of hers?


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