Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 11, 2014

Since Richie wanted to know about Santanico's boyfriend Carlos. Carlos starts telling his sotry.

Carlos raided a temple for gold but saw a chained goddess - Santanico.

She rushed to hug him.

Carlos saw a very beautiful lady.

Santanico looks down.

Looks like offering a kiss.

But she's getting ready to bite Carlos. She is a vampire.

Carlos strike her back with a sword.

Santanico was shocked. Expecting to die.

The chain broke.

Carlos wanted to save Santanico.

Carlos : I became her servant. I fed her, as I have done to this night, To keep the death lords sated and to keep her alive. What I do, I do for the woman I love.

Carlos killed all his own people and gave all the gold to Santanico.

Carlos: You know what they say -- Nothing in any world is free. She never asked me to be like her. I begged her for it. I wanted power Eternal life The fountain of youth And the most beautiful woman in the world.

Oh, that magic touch again.

Santanico : He did it for me.

Richie : He loves you.

Santanico : He doesn't love me. He worships me. That is not love.

Richie : So you bet on the wrong horse.

Santanico : He's not the man I thought he was. Even after 500 years, he's driven by greed -- The very thing that brought him to me. He makes a good profit from my enslavement to the lords. And because of that, He lacks conviction to pass the trials.

Richie : What trials?

Santanico : The ones you'll have to face in order to set me free.

Meanwhile a spy told Carlos - She chose richie over you.

Santanico :You are so much more than him, richard.

Santanico :You never stole just for the money, And you always sought greatness. Her powerful warm caring hand at Richie's face.

Richie : Look where it got me.

Santanico : Just ask. You don't have to beg for it. Just ask, richard.

Richie : I can't. I can't leave seth. I'm all he's got. He's lost without me.

Come on Richie!

Santanico : Then he can come with us.

Richie : It'll never happen. If this trip to mexico has proved anything, It's that he's always got to call the shots.

Santanico : Then you have to let him go. You've been held captive by his desires for too long. You're a prisoner, richard -- just like me. Let me set you free.

Richie : What's gonna happen to me?

Richie : You'll become more than you ever were -- Beyond fire and water Beyond light and dark Beyond dusk and dawn.

Conclusion - Did Richie Agree to Give Up his Soul to Santanico?

Firstly, Richie has always been interested in the vision and voices sent by Santanico. He refer to her as Goddess to Seth. He has always wanted to find out more about this Goddess. Following his heart, he goes to Mexico hoping to find someone like her.

When in the bar, he bumped into a girl and he made her speak Richard, set me free, phrases that he had heard many times to verify his find. See, he has been seeking for her.

When Santanico physically appears he was delighted to see that she’s real and the physical goddess beauty is true and tangible.

When the ranger wants to kill Richie, Santanico blow her covers and turn to a vampire to save him. Why would she do that? It simply means Santanico is no harm to him and will even sacrifice her first impression just to save him.

In the bar, Santanico appears in front of Richie and said It's all right, Richard. It's me. I've been waiting for you. When she say its me to Richie, it means she is someone Richie has been longing to see. When Seth shot Santanico at the stomach, Richie was furious. Why, because he really wanted to discover more about her, about who is she, and what she want.

When Santanico appears in front of Richie and Seth again at the bar, she said You belong here. Somewhere inside, close to the bone. You know it, too. When Richie rejects by saving No, you don't know me, she said That's not true. I know you better than your brother does. I need you. And you need me, too. Santanico knows Richie wants her and Richie know it too.

So, now Richie is heavily injured and Santanico tells her she needs him and he its up to him to choose. The objective has been clearly lay out by Santanico. Richie’s first rejection was he was not sure if she was real, he stabbed her, and its proven that this goddess is physically real. The product is there - Santanico.

Richie think she might be a bad person. Santanico’s historical story proofs his doubt. Santanico says you’re dying. It means since you’re dying, why not give me your soul. But he wants to know what’s in it for him. That means for Richie although he’s dying he will not give up his soul without know the clear benefits. Santanico made it very clear, the prize is her, and all he needs to do is ask. Richie wants to verify that this is not a trick, meaning he dies, gave his soul to her, set her free but then he does not gets what he wants - Santanico. She assures him its not a trick.

Then, Richie wants to know about her boyfriend Carlos. Santanico tells him everything about Carlos. He worships her but greedy making him not qualified to free her. Richie is jealous.

Richie has one last worry that is his brother Seth. Santanico says he can come along or he just have to let him go.

Santanico’s last request was let me set you free. Richie’s response was what is going to happen to me. That basically means 100% YES.

If Richie has no interest to sell his soul to Santanico, he wouldn’t have to verify if she is real or just part of a dream, to know about her history, to confirm the reward is Santanico herself, to ensure that there is no tricks, to know about her romance partner, to consider what is going to happen to his brother when he has gone to Santanico. If you ask me, I say this is what Richie want from day one.

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