Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 6, 2015

Zach Mitchell (Nick Robinson) and Gray Mitchell (Ty Simpkins) were brothers traveling to Jurassic World in Isla Nublar. Zach is a 16 years old kid who has a girlfriend at home - Kelly Washington. His brother is 11 years old. While traveling on ferry boat, Zach has been looking at hot girls ignoring Gray most of the time.

Gray: Do you still miss your girlfriend?”
Zach: I’m just looking.

Upon arriving, the kids were expecting to see their aunt Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard). Claire is the park operation manager of Jurassic World. Instead of seeing Claire, they saw a hot woman with perfect hair, paints, suits, and makeup carrying a card with their names on it waiting impatiently.

Gray: Is that Aunt Claire?
Zach: Not a chance.
Gray: This is going to be interesting.

The boys go ahead and meet up with the woman. She is Zara Young, a personal assistant of Claire Dearing under the payroll of Masrani Global Corporation the owner of Jurassic World. Zara has been working in the park for 2 years assisting Claire in operational, administrative, public relations and corporate affairs work. This is the first time Zara was assigned by Claire to perform personal duties which is babysitting her nephew boys. Zara rarely tour the park especially under the hot sun. She usually work in her office next to Claire, accompany Claire to meetings and sometimes in the command operation room. When Claire needed an assistant to for her growing workload, Simon Masrani (Irrfan Khan) ,the CEO of the Masrani Global Corporation recommended Zara Young for the job.

Gray: Hi, We’re here.
Zara: Let’s check in to the hotel.
Gray: Where’s Aunt Claire?
Zara: She’ll meet you later.
Gray: What was your name again?
Zara: Zara. Zara Young!

Zara walk towards to monorail station while the two boys following from behind. Zach seems uninterested. Gray says Zach, lets go!

While in the train, Zach and Gray were sitting in front while Zara was sitting at the back reading while messaging with her phone. Apparently she’s chatting with her soon to be husband.

Boyfriend: How’s the meeting with Verizon?
Zara: I’m not there. I’m baby sitting.
Boyfriend: Oh. Take care.

Zach was listening to music with his headphone, seemingly not interested to anything around at all.
Gray whispered “Come on, she’s hot”
Zach didn’t say a word.

When arriving at the hotel lobby, Gray ran up the escalator. Zach and Zara were walking together. Zach seems to have slowed down just to make sure Zara is still there.

Zara: Can he slow down?
Zach: No. Kids!

Zach seems to portray the impression to Zara that he is no longer a kid.

Zara showed the hotel room to the kid and told them Claire will be giving them VIP access to all the rides.

Gray: Do you have VIP access for yourself? Are you going to join us?
Zach: She doesn’t need VIP access.

Gray can’t wait to go out. He ran to the balcony to have a view of the park. He said come on, lets go.

Zach: I’ll sit here and wait.

Zach was sitting on one of bed playing with his phone. Zara was sitting on another bed, freshening up herself. Zach was actually using the phone to secretly video records whatever Zara was doing.

Zara: Why are you no interested in what’s happening outside?

Zach: I’m cool in here. I kind of like it.

Back at Headquater, Claire Dearing and Dr. Henry Wu were doing her presentation about a genetic hybrid named Indominus rex to Verizon Wireless investors. A representative of Verizon Wireless asked where is Zara?

Claire: What?
Verizon Wireless: Zara Young! The executive who made this meeting possible.
Claire: Oh! She has some important meetings to attend to.

Dr. Henry Wu didn’t say a word knowing that Zara was sent away for babysitting.

Verizon Wireless people are not very pleased with the answer and left shortly.

Later, Zara brings the kids to the Innovation Center to meet Claire. Zach and Gray walked past the main door without holding it for Zara. Luckily Zara was quick and shaped enough to slip through the door still holding her phone and bag. Gray keeps venturing with everything there while Zach was still looking at his phone, much like Zara. Gray keeps wondering why he has been doing this since entering the park.

Finally, the kids get to meet Claire. But the kids didn’t really like what they saw.

Gray: You’re not coming with us.
Claire: Zara will take good care of you.
Zach: That’s better.
Claire: Oh Zara, Verizon Wireless wants to meet you.
Zara: Oh, Okay.
Claire: I better go now. I’m meeting Masrani.

Simon Masrani, an amateur pilot, flies Claire to the Indominus rex Paddock. Feeling uncomfortable, Masrani asked her to bring Velociraptor trainer and behaviorist Owen Grady to check the paddock for flaws.

Masrani: One more thing.
Claire: Yes?
Masrani: About Verizon.
Claire: Oh, yes. They are very interested to invest...
Masrani: We’ll let Zara Young in charge of Verizon.
Claire: What?
Masrani: I’m going to spend more time flying. I’ll let Zara be the Vice President of Jurassic World. You report to her.

Claire didn’t say word.

Back to the Park, the boys are enjoying their day with Zara. Zara told them, of all the attractions, the worst one is the Mosasaurus.

Zara: Don’t ever go for the Mosasaurus show. Its wet and disgusting. They are hard to tame and unpredictable. I hated the Mosasaurus! I’m definitively not going there. They are gross. The Pteranodon is cool, they have eagle eyes and can spot anything they like from distance, and ...

Zara’s phone rings and she starts talking to her boyfriend about the wedding plans.

Zach: So, you want to see the Mosasaurus?
Gray: But Zara hates it.
Zach: She does not have to go.
Gray: Just the two of us? What’s the fun?
Zach: It is OK. Just for a while. We’ll come back for her.

Zach and Gray sneak away while Zara was on the phone.

Zara and Gray had a great time watching the Mosasaurus show. After the show, the brothers walk back to the park to look for Zara and had a little chat.

Gray: So what do you think about her?
Zach: What? Zara?
Gray: I meant your girlfriend at home.
Zach: Ohh.
Gray: You like Zara. She’s hot isn't she.
Zach: You’ll know when you grow up.
Gray: She’s getting married you know.
Zach: What are you talking about? I hardly even look at her.
Gray: That’s the thing. You look at all the girls in the park and you never look at her, but she’s the hottest in the whole park and you know that.
Zach: Come on, lets go.

Zach and Gray found Zara still on the phone. After the call Zara look at them.

Zara: Where have you been?
Gray: We’re here all along.
Zara: Good boy. OK, lets go ride the Gyrosphere.

While Zara and Gray were walking away, Zach walks from their back admiring Zara’s body curve and pretty hair.

Gray: You’re getting married?
Zara: Yeah, that’s life.
Gray: Is he a nice guy?
Zara: Well, sort of.
Gray: Zara, we’re sorry Aunt Claire made you do this.
Zara: She’s a ....never mind.
Gray: But you’re the best thing in the park. Seriously, we will rather be with you.
Zara: Oh, nice little boy.
Gray: That’s true. My brother think the same thing as me.
Zara: He? I don’t think so.

Back at the Indominus rex Paddock, the Indominus rex has escaped. Indominus rex is a new attraction in Jurassic World. The hybrid was created by combining the genetic traits of multiple species.
It has an exceptionally high level of intelligence the recipe is tightly kept by Dr. Henry Wu.

Without declaring an emergency, Zach, Gray and Zara lines up for the Gyrosphere ride. They expect to sit in the Gyrosphere together. When the empty Gyrosphere finally reached them, Zara gets into the Gyrosphere and Zach and Gray tries to get in but there are only two seats per Gyrosphere. The guard tells them maximum 2 person per Gyrosphere. Zara wants to get down from the Gyrosphere.

Zara: I’ve been into this thing a thousand times. You boys go ahead. I’ll be here.

Zach quickly get into the Gyrosphere and sit next to Zara. I’m interested to know more about the park. He tells Gray to take the next Gyrosphere from behind.

After all of them has got into the Gyrosphere and moved away, the Gyrosphere ride was shut down due to emergency.

Gray was enjoying himself alone in the next Gyrosphere.

In the other Gyrosphere, Zach was sitting tight, watching at the Gyrosphere instruction video while Gyrosphere was casually enjoying the scene. Nobody talks. Then, suddenly Zach starts talking.

Zach: Zara!

Zara didn’t say anything.

Zach: I just want to say,...I....I...I’m sorry. I had a girl friend, but she’s nothing compare to you. I didn’t help you open the door at the Innovation Center that nearly hits you, we went to the Mosasaurus show, and I know you hated it, I’m sorry aunt Claire made you do this, you deserve better, but being with you in the park is the best thing that happen to me in my entire life, and ridding this Gyrosphere with you is a wonderful feeling, I’m only 16, I’ve seen many girls and you’re the best, you’re perfect. I know you’re getting married. I didn’t mean anything. I just want to be your friend because you’re a goddess and truly amazing beautiful woman. I’m sorry.

Zara didn’t say a word. She has a confident look in her that says she has heard this a million times.

Zach: I want to show you this.

He took out this phone and show the thousands photos he has taken on Zara all the way starting from the hotel room.

Zara: I know why you love to stay in the room. Can I have some copies?

Zach was delighted to hear this.

Zach: This is my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,..

Suddenly something big hit their Gyrosphere. It was the Indominus rex. It is crushing the Gyrosphere and there was nothing they can do.

All the key people are watching live feeds of the attack from a Control Center near by. They were Claire Dearing, Simon Masrani, Dr. Henry Wu, Owen Grady, Lowery Cruthers and Vivian Krill. Moments ago, Masrani just announced to the group about the promotion of Zara Young as Vice President while Zara herself didn’t know. Although the control center is not very far away, they are safe because there is no way even the Indominus rex can break through the gate.

While the Indominus rex was attacking the Gyrosphere with Zara and Zach inside, Gray’s Gyrosphere arrived. He shouted at the Indominus rex as a means of distraction. The Indominus rex turned around and started chasing Gray. Zach tells the Zara to run towards the control center and he will go help Gray. Zara run as fast as she could towards the control center security gate. Claire said she want to go help her nephew. They open the gate for her and Owen Grady to go out.

Moments later, the Indominus rex was chasing everybody towards one direction - to the control center. The security gate is now closed. Running in front were Zara, Zach and Gray, followed by Claire and Owen. When Zara, Zach and Gray reached the gate, it was locked.

Zara shouted to the camera - open the gate!

The people in the control room was discussing if they should open the gate. Lowery Cruthers said come on! What are we doing? Let her die out there?. Simon Masrani ordered the gate to be open. Finally, Zara, Zach and Gray managed to get into safety. Then, Claire and Owen were running over with the Indominus rex from behind.

Zara shouted to the camera - close the gate, close the gate.

Gray: But, Claire is till out there.

Zach: They are coming. They are coming.

Zara: Oh god, we’re not going to make it. Oh god.

Zach look at Zara with tears coming out from her eyes.

Zach shouted: Close the gate

Simon Masrani: Close the gate.

Vivian Krill: There’s still time. They can still get in.

Simon Masrani: We already have Zara. Close the god damn gate now!

Reluctantly, Vivian closed the gate. Zara is safe. Zara began to breath a little.

Moments later, Claire and Owen reached the gate and Claire keeps banging on the locked gate. The Indominus rex was still many feet away. They would have been safe if the gate was not closed too early. Masrani felt a bit sad for early hasty decision.

Vivian: I told you there is still time.

Lowery Cruthers: What? Mine fault now. The kids and the woman are still down there.

Owen grabbed Claire’s hand and run towards another direction.

Seconds later, the Indominus rex came crushing at the gate.

Zara, Zach and Gray are just a gate away from the monster. They ran up to the control center room.

The whole team is watching the camera with the Indominus rex down there.

Owen Grady and Claire Dearing seem to have escaped somewhere. No one is hurt. Everything seems to be under control.

Masrani: Call in the Asset Containment Unit. I need the Indominus rex to be brought back to its cell.

Situation seems to be under control and settled down. The control center is the last barrier to the main street.

Zara spent some time freshening up herself, tidying her hair, wash her hands and put back some make up. The result - as gorgeous as ever.

In the mean time, Zach and Gray started to cry. Zara goes over in squatting down position talks to the kid.

Zara: I’m sure Claire will be okay.

Vivian: Like as if you care!

Lowery: Oh come on Vivian, its an emergency operating procedure. If the gate is open everyone dies. The main street is just right behind this door.

Vivian: Oh yeah? If she is still out there (pointing at Zara) would you open the gate? Would you? Would you?

Zara didn’t say a word. The boys start hugging Zara and be glad that they are all still alive, although still worry about Claire being out there.

Masrani: Enough!

The Asset Containment Unit lead by Katashi Hamada and Austin finally arrived and entered the area to hunt down the Indominus rex. Masrani’s instruction to The Asset Containment Unit is to capture and not kill his asset.

Everybody in the control room starts gluing on the monitor for action. Within minutes, the entire Asset Containment Unit was brutally killed by the Indominus rex. Although the Indominus rex is still under containment, feeling nervous, Masrani ordered everyone to leave the control center building and calls were made to other Asset Containment Unit to capture the Indominus rex. A helicopter is waiting for Masrani on the roof.

Masrani: He can’t get into these walls. Lets leave and let the ACU take care of him.

Everybody starts leaving the room and nobody is monitoring the camera. The camera can’t see the Indominus rex anymore and nobody notice that.

Moments later, the CEO Simon Masrani has already been on top of the building sitting inside a helicopter waiting to fly away.

Pilot: Sir, are we waiting for anyone?

Masrani: A minute.

Masrani looked down but cannot see Zara. He really wanted to share that extra safety seat to Zara Young. Then, loud horrified scream were heard coming from the control center.

Masrani: No, lets go.

The Indominus rex used retina eye scan of the dead ACU to open the gate. A very intelligent dinosaur! The Indominus rex came in, destroyed the room and killed many people. Several Velociraptor (Raptors) joined the attack.

Zach, Gray and Zara were hiding at a secret room at the basement while the Indominus rex and Raptors are looking for human survivors.

Claire Dearing and Owen Grady enters the building looking for the kids. They saw many dead bodies, no dinosaurs, and no kids.

Zara desperately tried to seek help with two kids still under her supervision send messages via her cellphone to his husband and Simon Masrani telling them her situation.

Then, they saw Raptors come in to the room. They tried to keep as silent as possible and try not to attract the raptors. When the raptors found nothing and was about the leave, Zara’s phone receive a notification sound with message from the CEO Simon Masrani that read “Stay clam babe. Help on its way. I’m turning back”. That alerted the raptors.

Several raptors come charging at them. In a desperate situation, Zach shouted to his brother - run. He grabbed Zara’s hand who is stunned and run towards another direction. His brother Gray was too shocked to move. The raptors come charging at Gray but make a last second turn to go after Zach and Zara instead.

While Zach and Zara were being chased by raptors, they are joined by Claire, Owen and Gray.

Claire: There is a safe zone on the roof. Lets go.

Zach: What?

Claire: Take this.

She hand over a remote detonator thing to Zach and they all rushed to the roof.

Upon reaching the top, they all run to the safe zones, which is a bridge which splits to the roof of 2 separate buildings - Save Zone A and B. Zach is supposed to detonate and blow up the bridge before and raptors crossed over. During the chaos, Zara happens to reach Zone A alone and all the others reached Zone B. The raptors have then reached the roof, and slowly crossing the bridge.

Claire: Zach, blow it!

When Zach turn on the control, there is a malfunction error. It can only blow one bridge.

Zach: Only one bridge.

Claire: What?

Zach: I can only blow one bridge.

Zara heard that and started crying.

Zara: Why? Why do I have to end this way.

The raptors are closing in on both zones.

Claire, Owen, Gray and Zach were all hugging each other giving a sympathetic look at Zara.

Then BOOM! Zach detonated the bridge, but its the bridge to Zone A. Zara is secured. Many raptors fall to death before getting a taste of Zara. Zara was surprised with Zach’s decision.

Zara is out of words. She didn’t expect Zach to make his decision this way. She only look at Zach with a thankful smile.

Claire is out of words too. She can’t comprehend his nephew’s decision. Claire was furiously angry with Zach. She was crying out loud. In her mind, how can he sacrifice the life of his own brother, his aunt, his aunt’s boyfriend and his own for her personal assistant on a temporarily job as baby sister which they barely know for several hours? But, to Zach, Zara is more than that. That few hours of adventures he had with Zara is more fulfilling than anything he has ever experienced. To Zach, he didn’t even know Claire or her boyfriend at all, and his brother Gray will understand.

To make matters worst, Masrani’s chopper together with Dr. Henry Wu landed at Zone A to pick up Zara.

While everybody in Zone B is bracing for death with the approaching raptors, several other coppers with hi tech guns shot all of them down. There were they on Masrani’s order.

They were all boarded the on coppers and fly to a temporary command center at the Main Street.

The whole team was there - Simon Masrani, Owen Grady, Claire Dearing, Dr. Henry Wu, Lowery Cruthers, Vivian Krill, Zara Young, Zach and Gray. Their priority was to find the Indominus rex and stop him from entering the Main Street.

Zach was sitting close to Zara as he is afraid of repercussion from his Aunt, Claire. Zara didn’t say anything except letting Zach stay close to her as a form of encouragement for such a young kid to make such difficult but brave decision.

Claire goes to Zach.

Claire: Sorry. Sorry for not being there.

Then Claire, Zach and Gray starts hugging each other. Then Claire move towards Zara.

Claire: Zara. I’m sorry and thank you.

Zara smiled.

It looks like this family-friend relationship has been once and for all settled and forgiven.

Owen Grady: So what kind of dinosaurs you guys cooked up with?

Masrani: Its a genetically modified hybrid of several dinosaur genera and modern animals.

Owen Grady: What kind of dinosaurs and modern animals have that kind of intelligence?

Dr. Henry Wu: Human

Masrani: What?

Dr. Henry Wu: Human DNA.

Masrani: You’re sickening.

Dr. Henry Wu: You wanted it to be smart, intelligent and beautiful. Those were your exact words.

Lowery Cruthers: So where do you find those human DNA?

Dr. Henry Wu: Masrani Global Corporation has over 9000 employees.

Lowery Cruthers: Wait a minute. Was it the test you sent out to all of us few years back?

Dr. Henry Wu: Yes, only one come back with a perfect score.

And he looked at ZARA YOUNG! Zara was shaken by the news. Zach and Gray quickly grab Zara to comfort her.

Vivian Krill: Oh god, of all people, her?

Masrani: That test was meant to help me find the Vice President.

Dr. Henry Wu: You got it here. The smartest, most intelligent and definitively most beautiful in Masrani Global Corporation.

Vivian Krill: Oh, this is so sick. I’m getting out of here.

As Vivian walked out straight to the Main Street, she was grabbed by a Pteranodon by 100 feet and drop straight to the Main Street hall and died instantly.

The Indominus rex released all the caged Pteranodons. Security starts shooting at the Pteranodons.

Zach and Gray was curious and run straight to the Main Street.

Zara: No, its too dangerous.

She rushed out trying to pull them back into the Hall. Claire follows.

A Pteranodon grabbed Claire but decides to drop her and snatched Zara instead and fly 100 feet high. Claire falls to the ground slightly injured. The boys were crying Zara! Should the Pteranodon drop her, she will be dead. He drops her, only to be picked up by another Pteranodon. Its looks like this Pteranodon is trying to save Zara. The securities start shooting at the Pteranodon which has grabbed Zara.

Masrani: Don’t shoot my asset!

They all looked at Masrani.

Masrani: I mean don’t shoot her.

The Pteranodon then dropped Zara into a water tank.

Gray: I’m glad Zara landed safety.

Zach: That’s the Mosasaurus' containment tank!

When Zara tried to swim away, she was brutally thrashed about and injured by several Pteranodons who continued to grab at her.

Gray and Zach swim towards Zara.

Claire: No! Don’t go!

As they almost reach Zara, one of the Pteranodons tried to grab her again, but the Mosasaurus emerged out of the water getting ready to consume both Zara and the Pteranodons. Just before the Mosasaurus’s mouth managed to reached Zara, it was pushed away by something big - The Indominus rex! The Indominus rex killed the Mosasaurus for Zara. Zara frantically swim towards the land anf greeted by Zach and Gray. They cover her with a towel and move her away from danger.

Masrani: Oh my god. It saves Zara. That thing saves Zara.

Owen: What? Do you know what you’re talking about?

Masrani: Hold your fire!

He told that to his securities firing at the Indominus rex.

The Indominus rex moves towards Masrani.

Masrani: Easy, easy....See I told you he can be trained.

Then the Indominus rex bikes Masrani’s head and killed him instantly. It starts to roam the park killing visitors at random again.

Owen Grady, Claire Dearing, Dr. Henry Wu, Lowery Cruthers, Zara Young, Zach and Gray and some ACU people fall back to a room to discuss the next plan. The sun has set and its getting dark. Visitors are hiding inside buildings or where ever they find is safe. People are dying at every minute.

Claire: Ok Masrani is gone and we need to do something quick. I say...

Lowery Cruthers: Who put you in charge.

Dr. Henry Wu: We need somebody smarter and more intelligent.

Then everybody look at Zara.

Zara: What? Me??

Gray: Of course its you. Who can be smarter than you. Aunt Claire screwed up.

Zach: Psssssss

Gray: I’m only telling the truth.

Zara: Okay, okay, so what’s the situation out there. (Looking at the ACU members)

ACU member: Its getting dark out there and we can’t get a good shot at the Indominus rex and he’s moving too fast.

Zara: The flying thing?

ACU member: The Pteranodons are deadly, but we still have tracking device on each of them. Without interference from the Indominus rex, we can shoot them down in a matter of hours. They seem to be working together.

Zara: So how do we find the Indominus rex?

ACU member: No way, there’s no tracking device on him anymore. But he seems to be finding something.

Zara: What does he want?

Owen Grady: You! He wants you. He has got your DNA remember? That’s why he’s smart. He can smells you miles away. That’s how you survive the Mosasaurus’s attack. And the Pteranodons, I didn’t think they want to kill you, they just want you. Maybe that’s their way of expressing love to you.

Gray: Cool!

Owen Grady: I mean if they wanted to kill you, they wouldn’t have dropped you into a water tank. They didn’t know it was a Mosasaurus’s tank. None of the victims out there falls to a water tank. All died instantly, on the hard solid ground!

Claire: Owen, can you hear yourself? What are you talking about?

Owen Grady: Claire, this is the fact of the situation. The Pteranodons dropped you and go for Zara.

Gray: I would.

Zara: So you want me to be the bait?

Zach: No way! I will never let you do this.

Zara: Okay, I have a plan. Zach, Gray, come with me.

They go into a room and spend about 15 minutes there while the rest of the people wait outside wondering what’s happening in there.

Then they come out with a giant poster with Zara’s face on it.

Zara: If what you say is true, and all they want is me. Then, use this!

Lowery Cruthers: Brilliant!

Owen Grady: Come on, lets do this. Claire, what was your plan?

Claire: I was going to say, we’ll wait till morning and call the police.

They switch of all lights at the park, put on Zara’s giant poster, lights up and the ACUs are ready with weapons.

The Indominus rex came and take a close and careful look at Zara’s poster.

Zara: Fire!

The ACU fires repeatedly at the Indominus rex, but because of his speed, there is no clear shots and his body is strong enough to take on several shots.

Then, the Pteranodons came fighting with the Indominus rex. Looks like they are fighting for the ownership of Zara, or precisely Zara’s photo. The Indominus rex is injured by the Pteranodons and repeated firing from the ACU team.

ACU Team: No clear shots, no clear shots!

The Indominus rex decides to retreat.

Owen Grady: No, no, no we can’t lose him.

Suddenly, Zara run over to the Indominus rex ans shouted “Hey, I’m here”

The Indominus rex turned over and walk to Zara and closely examine her just a few feet away.

Zach, Gray, Lowery Cruthers and Owen Grady walk over and stand together with Zara.

Zara: What are you guys doing here?

Zach: If he’s going to take you, he must go through me first.

Gray: and me

Lowery Cruthers and Owen Grady: and me

Zara hides her hand and gave hand signal to the ACU - to fire!

They got a clear shot. The Indominus rex is finally down!

After the Isla Nublar Incident, Jurassic World suffered from bad press and is on its way to bankruptcy. Claire Dearing was fired over the incident. Zara Young was appointed as the CEO of Masrani Global Corporation to save the corporation. Zara Young’s first priority for Masrani Global Corporation is fresh capital and a change in corporate image.

Zara Young meet up with representatives of Verizon Wireless.

Verizon Wireless: As much as we like you Miss Young, we can’t invest in your park.

Zara: We are not doing genetically modified hybrid dinosaurs that are fierce and aggressive anymore.

Verizon Wireless: What’s the point when its not fierce and aggressive. Who is going to want to see it?

Zara: Am I fierce and aggressive?

Verizon Wireless: Okay, here is the deal,...

3 years have passed. Jurassic World reopen as ZARA PARK back in Isla Nublar . Zara Young as the CEO of Masrani Global Corporation also become the face and official spokesperson for Zara Park appearing in all main stream media promoting the park as modern, secure, technologically advance and family friendly park for all. Visitors is at all time high at Zara Park, many times better than Jurassic World.

Owen Grady, Claire Dearing, Zach, Gray and Zach’s girlfriend visited the park again. Zara’s poster are featured everywhere in the park. Zara Young, the down to earth CEO welcome them to the park.

Gray ran to hug Zara and she gave the boy a kiss on the face.

Zach: Hi Zara. (Zach is standing with his girl friend).

Zara: You must be Kelly.

They shaked hand.

Kelly: Wow, just wow. No wonder he talk about you all the time.

Zara: Zach, need a baby sitter?

Zach: If its you, I swear I will stick with you all day long.

Owen Grady: Hi Zara. As beautiful as ever.

They hugged.

Claire Dearing: Where is Lowery Cruthers?

Lowery Cruthers: Right here Claire. Zara has promoted me as the park operations manager, and Dr. Henry Wu is now in charge of R&D for our F&B Department.

They all laughed.

Claire: Zara, you’re just so smart, so intelligent, so capable, and so...

Owen Grady: Hot, so hot.

Claire: Owen, why are you doing this again, you keep talking about Zara, all day,....

Owen Grady: That’s the fact, she’s hot, but I still love you....

Everyone seems to be having fun and friendly time.

Zara’s phone rings.

Zara: Excuse me, I got a meeting to attend.

Zara returned to her office, get into a lift with Dr. Henry Wu inside.

They didn’t talk.

The lift goes under grown 1,000 feet. The lift door opens.

Its the secret laboratory of InGen Corporations.

Zara Young is now the head of InGen Corporations producing genetically modified hybrid dinosaurs for the military.

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Katie McGrath as Zara Young in Jurassic World (2015)

Zach is attracted to Zara. Don't you think so?

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